Membership Benefits

NSAC provides a variety of training sessions, publications, and research tools to enhance the professional competence of its members and improve the level of service they can offer cooperatives.


One of the most beneficial offerings we provide, NSAC members are able to gather information online, in-person and through different resources all-year.

The NSAC National Conference is a premier event featuring renowned speakers and a variety of breakout sessions covering the latest updates in cooperative tax, finance, accounting, auditing, and management. Attendees have the opportunity to earn valuable Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits, expand their professional networks, and leave equipped with essential insights and resources.

Basic and Advanced Cooperative Accounting Seminars offer training in the core concepts unique to working for or with cooperatives such as equity management, tax planning and risk management.

Cooperative Learning Networks (CLNs) are webinars that provide easy access to presentations, panel discussions and conversations by leading experts and fellow members on a variety of topics and issues important to those in the cooperative world. There are no travel expenses, no time away from the office and the best part – members may attend an unlimited number, all included with their annual membership dues. Recordings are archived for on-demand viewing.

Chapter Annual Meetings and Educational Programs provide technical programming and valuable networking and information exchange on key topics.


The Cooperative Accountant (TCA) is a quarterly technical journal published for nearly 70 years featuring timely and useful information on cooperative tax, accounting, finance, and economic issues.

The Tax Library is an online searchable database of IRS administrative rules, rulings and court cases concerning the tax treatment of cooperatives.

Welcome to Cooperatives is a booklet providing a basic explanation of how cooperatives are organized and operated, including equity management and tax treatment. It is a must-read for new employees without a background in cooperatives.


Plug into the power of our professional network and gain access to our exclusive Connect platform, a member portal where over 1600 professionals serving cooperatives engage. Connect encourages collaboration with all members of NSAC and enables you to gain answers to pressing questions. Here you will also find a listing of Chapter and National events that keep members informed on the latest accounting and tax information.

Further your career and build your resume through leadership development opportunities that are available to all members through chapter and national board service, speaking engagements, writing opportunities, connections, and mentorships.

NSAC maintains alliances with organizations such as FASB, IFAS, IRS, NCBA, NCFC and others to bring you valuable resource, most current information, and provide continuing professional education credits, while ensuring the rapidly changing environment continues to keep the unique needs of the cooperative community top of mind.

Upcoming Events

Accessing and Filing Direct Pay Energy Tax Credits:  An Overview for Electric Cooperatives
March 26, 2025

Accessing and Filing Direct Pay Energy Tax Credits: An Overview for Electric Cooperatives

Learn more about “Elective Payment”, commonly referred to as “Direct Pay”, for energy tax credits that are available for electric cooperatives. You won't want to miss this 90-minute Zoom with Paul Gutierrez, Legislative Affairs Director at NRECA, and Bill Miller, Tax Partner at Bolinger, Segars, Gilbert & Moss. Our panelists will give you a broad overview of what energy tax credits are eligible for direct pay, discuss the requirements to receive the full value of eligible tax credits and bonus credits, and the process to file and claim the tax credits. Register today to gain a deeper understanding of energy tax credits and direct pay requirements.

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Employee Ownership for Small Business Advisors and Accountants
April 24, 2025

Employee Ownership for Small Business Advisors and Accountants

The goal of this introductory course is to make an introduction to the many advantages of being informed and ready to recommend employee ownership exit options for their small business owner clients when appropriate.  This session is specifically tailored to accounting, tax, and lending professionals to provide a closer look on private company transitions and advisory support needed when business owners sell their business to their ...

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The Cooperative Compass
May 5 - 6, 2025

The Cooperative Compass

NSAC is excited to announce The Cooperative COMPASS - pointing accounting, tax, and finance professionals in the co-op industry towards an extraordinary educational and networking experience - taking place May 5-6, 2025 in vibrant Kansas City in cooperation with NSAC’s Mid-West Chapter. This unique conference is tailored specifically for professionals dedicated to the financial management and strategic planning of cooperatives. COMPASS ...

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