Hand in the Cookie Jar?
Online Event
Fraud is something that occurs in every business. During this 60-minute CLN, Hand in the Cookie Jar? participants will gain an understanding of fraud risks in their utility and how to design and implement controls to timely identify when someone has their hand in the cookie jar. These controls are essential, especially with many utilities changing to a more virtual control environment. This course will discuss fraud risks, control recommendations and changes that may need to be made to ensure a strong control environment.
Julie Desimore is the leader of the Moss Adams' Power, Utilities and Renewable Energy Practice, providing auditing, accounting, and consulting services for over 20 years. She serves clients in the energy and utility industry, including renewable energy companies. Specific areas of focus include: industry analysis, advanced utility accounting, contracting, internal control evaluation, litigation support, and relationship management. Julie currently serves on the firm's executive committee and recruiting program, and has served on the firm's audit task force. She has worked on projects with both the Financial Standards Accounting Board and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board and is a regular speaker on technical, operational and industry related issues in the renewable energy and utility industry. She is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants and a Board Member of the Washington State University Business Advisory.
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