Employee Retention Credits (ERC)
Field of Study: Taxes
Program Level: Basic
CPE Credit: 1.5 Credit Hour
Join us for this interactive webinar on August 23, 2022. Experienced tax professionals from three prominent accounting firms will discuss the requirements and pitfalls in claiming Employee Retention Credits. This seventy-five-minute session will focus on “essential businesses” such as many agricultural, grocery, and electric cooperatives.
The panelists will provide an overview of the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) and how to qualify for ERC including:
• Partial and full shutdowns as they apply to the ERC
• What constitutes “gross receipts”
• Safe Harbors
• Rules for Large Employers
• Unsettled matters and how the IRS is examining ERC claims
Participants are encouraged to submit questions in advance at info@nsacoop.org and during the session.
CPE Credits
The National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives (NSAC) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor (#103068) of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.
Presenter and Moderator Bios
Presenter: Jennifer E. Rohen, JD, Principal, CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen LLP)
Jennifer Rohen, principal with CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen LLP), leads the firm’s Business Incentives Consulting practice. She has over 20 years of experience assisting clients who are making human and tangible capital investments to reduce their cost of capital and increase return on investment by identifying Federal, state, and local strategies including: Work Opportunity Tax Credits, payroll tax credits, property and sales tax incentives, employment tax rebates, and various grants.
Jen’s experience in specializing in prospective state tax benefits, with a focus on credits and incentives, helps clients choose among different locations and realize the total impact of a location decision with regard to the tax and related financial implications. This involves working with state agencies and local municipalities in connection with negotiating incentive packages. The benefit packages typically include financing assistance and grants, ITC, WOTC, TIFs, and other in-kind benefits. Jen has worked with over 1,000 clients in her career.
Presenter: Craig Lammlin, JD, Tax Director, Moss Adams
Craig Lammlin, Tax Director with Moss Adams, has practiced public accounting since 2001, specializing in state and local tax. He provides advisory income/franchise tax services to clients in a variety of industries including technology, manufacturing and telecommunication and media clients.
Craig consults with clients on statutory and discretionary credits and incentives related to economic development activity such as job creation and retention, capital investment, and employee training. He also advises clients on multistate incentive opportunities related to site selection, corporate expansion, and relocation.
Prior to joining Moss Adams, Craig worked at a Big Four firm, where he managed a credits and incentive consulting practice. Craig is a veteran of the US Army having served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Presenter: Robert Delgado, JD, Principal, KPMG Global
Robert Delgado, JD is the Principal-in-Charge of the Compensation and Benefits Group for KPMG’s Washington National Tax Practice. The Compensation and Benefits Group is responsible for providing advice to KPMG professionals and clients regarding the federal taxation of a wide range of compensation and benefit matters, including qualified retirement plans and global executive/management compensation arrangements such as equity, profits interest, nonqualified deferred compensation, employment, incentive, retention credits, change in control, severance arrangements, and retention credits.
Robert also has extensive experience in transactional settings, having advised clients in connection with all types of transactions (mergers, asset and stock acquisitions, joint ventures, spin-offs, etc.), including pre-deal diligence, structuring, and post-deal transition matters. This experience includes reviewing arrangements for potential liabilities and tax compliance as well as quantifying and/or mitigating deduction timing and/or limitations (such as Section 280G Golden Parachutes).
Robert served on the AICPA Employee Benefits Tax Technical Resources Panel, presents on compensation and benefit matters both internally and at professional conferences (ABA, TEI, NASPP, AICPA, etc.), authored or contributed to several articles for industry publications, including Tax Analyst, Tax Notes, BNA, and Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, and appeared on NPR’s All Thing Considered.
Moderator: Rebecca Thoune, CPA, Signing Director, CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen LLP)
Rebecca Thoune (Smith), Signing Director, with CliftonLarsonAllen specializes in tax consulting and compliance for cooperatives and the agribusiness industry with a focus on federal and state strategic tax planning, maximizing cooperative and member benefits, startups and mergers, and representation before the IRS and other state taxing authorities. Rebecca is a member of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives LTA committee, National Tax Committee Chair of the National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives (NSAC), and Past President and Board Member of the NSAC Great Lakes Chapter.