Accessing and Filing Direct Pay Energy Tax Credits: An Overview for Electric Cooperatives

March 26, 2025 2:00pm ET
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(937) 222-6707
Cost(s): $0.00 Member / $75.00 Non-Member

CPE: 1.8 Credit Hours

Learn more about “Elective Payment”, commonly referred to as “Direct Pay”, for energy tax credits that are available for electric cooperatives. You won't want to miss this 90-minute Zoom with Paul Gutierrez, Legislative Affairs Director at NRECA, and Bill Miller, Tax Partner at Bolinger, Segars, Gilbert & Moss. Our panelists will give you a broad overview of what energy tax credits are eligible for direct pay, discuss the requirements to receive the full value of eligible tax credits and bonus credits, and the process to file and claim the tax credits. Register today to gain a deeper understanding of energy tax credits and direct pay requirements.

Learning Objectives:
• Energy tax credit and requirements needed to claim tax credits through direct pay (elective payment)
• Process of filing for energy tax credits
• Resource list of guidance and rules published by Treasury and the IRS

Presenter and Moderator Bios

Presenter: Paul Gutierrez, Senior Principal, Legislative Affairs, NRECA

Paul Gutierrez works as a lobbyist at the NRECA. He has been with NRECA since October 2013. His responsibilities include working on legislative and regulatory policy, strategies, outreach, and coalition coordination regarding taxes and transportation. Most recently he was instrumental in securing elective pay for energy tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act.

He worked as a political appointee and government relations professional in Washington DC and the State of New Mexico. From 2007 to 2013 Gutierrez served as the Executive Director for New Mexico Association of Counties. He previously served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at USDA and was state director for both the Rural Development and Farm Service Agencies in New Mexico.

Gutierrez, a native of Magdalena, New Mexico grew up on a cow-calf ranch and small farming operation. He earned a B.S. degree in agricultural economics from New Mexico State University.

Moderator: Bill Miller, CPA, Utility Tax Partner, Bolinger, Segars, Gilbert & Moss, LLP

Bill Miller, CPA is a partner with the accounting firm of Bolinger, Segars, Gilbert & Moss in Lubbock, Texas. He began his career with the firm in 1992 and holds a degree in accounting from the University of Texas in Austin. Bill is in charge of the firm's utility and cooperative tax practice, providing tax and consulting services to exempt and non-exempt utility cooperatives, including related subsidiaries. Traditional responsibilities include tax research, tax planning, recommending entity types for new business ventures, and oversight of tax return preparation. Cooperative-specific responsibilities include compliance with co-op principles and plans to allocate and redeem patronage capital. In addition to working with the firm's audit clients, Bill has consulted with trade associations in providing guidance on tax and equity issues pertaining to the electric cooperative industry. Past guidance includes consulting with the Capital Credits Task Force and also providing technical assistance on a national level regarding the tax impact of proposed legislation onelectric cooperatives. Bill is active in the National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives. He has served as a past National President and a National Director representing the Electric Cooperative Chapter. Bill is a recipient of the Silver Bowl Award, NSAC's highest honor. Bill and his wife Kim, along with their two children, reside in Lubbock, Texas.

The National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives (NSAC) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor (#103068) of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

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