Time Power-ups: Escape the To-Do List Trap

Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Time: 03:00 PM ET / 02:00 PM CT / 01:00 PM MT / 12:00 PM PT [Prevailing Time]
Presenter: Marcey Rader, Productivity Performance Speaker and Founder, RaderCo
Moderator: Wayne Sine, CPA, MBA, Director of Education, National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives
Learning Objectives:
Learn how to:
- Create time and tech boundaries to give yourself thinking time
- Incorporate the Powered Path™ method to organize your year, quarter, month, week, and day
- Prioritize by Three to focus on what matters most
Field of Study: Personal Development
Program Level: Basic
CPE Credit: 1 Credit Hour
Delivery Method: Group Internet-based
Prerequisite(s): No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
Members should visit the Recordings Catalogue to view all available recordings for free and on-demand. Join NSAC today to enjoy this benefit.
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Course Description

Stuck checking boxes on an endless to-do list?
Never have enough time to do what excites you?

Getting more tasks done is never the answer when you're overwhelmed and burned out. Life can be about more than checking boxes if you know how to get the right tasks done at the right time. The secret to making that happen? Knowing that it's never just the system - but also the behavior - that can free your time.

End the busyness and power up your productivity!

Learn how to:
- Create time and tech boundaries to give yourself thinking time
- Incorporate the Powered Path™ method to organize your year, quarter, month, week, and day
- Prioritize by Three to focus on what matters most

This program is perfect for people who:
- Feel overwhelmed, unorganized, or burned out
- Have multiple professional or personal projects or roles
- Need a simple system for prioritization

Each attendee receives a digital RaderCo Go-To Guide with helpful apps, tools, and extra training. Leave with clear, actionable steps on what to do with that never-ending task list and how to be productive and effective. Commit to one behavior change in the next thirty days following the workshop to ensure their success.

Presenter and Moderator Bios

Presenter: Marcey Rader, Productivity Performance Speaker and Founder, RaderCo

Marcey Rader believes that health powers productivity. She's a multi-certified health, productivity, and digital wellness expert, award-winning global speaker, and 3-time author. As the founder of the comprehensive productivity company, RaderCo, she and her expert team help executives banish burnout and keep great employees through coaching, consulting, speaking, and training.

After her own corporate burnout triggered autoimmune disease, Marcey became a passionate advocate for valuing wellness in the workplace. Today, she shares how health and tech-life balance can be the most powerful keys to sustaining both productivity and fulfillment in your career, team, and organization.

Sought after by Fortune 100 companies, startups, and everyone in-between, Marcey’s spoken for more than 100,000 people across five continents – from North Dakota to Dubai. Recognized as one of only 850 Certified Speaking Professionals® worldwide, she's a top 1% speaker who trains her audiences to improve their focus, maximize their energy, conquer the calendar, master tasks, and extinguish their email.

With her signature career-accelerating tool - the Powered Path Playbook™ - and powerful productivity book, "Work Well. Play More!", Marcey is well-known for giving people simple, tangible tools and practical steps to regain time and declutter the body and mind - one habit at a time.

Learn more or connect with Marcey at www.marceyrader.com.

Moderator: Wayne Sine, CPA, MBA, Director of Education, National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives

Wayne Sine is an experienced and highly knowledgeable professional in the field of Tax. Wayne recently retired as Tax Director from his company, Southern States Cooperative. He has extensive experience working with agricultural cooperatives and has been a long-time member of the NSAC. He is extremely active in the NSAC, serving as both past Chapter President of the Atlantic Chapter, and past Chair of the Tax Committee, and is currently serving as the NSAC Director of Education.. Wayne's career is marked by several accomplishments, and he has always been involved in many organizations, spreading his knowledge. Wayne is a member of the Legal, Tax, and Accounting (LTA) Committee for the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives. He is also Past Chair of both the Tax Committee of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce and the Virginia Manufacturers Association. Wayne also served on the Tax Policy Committee at the Virginia Society of CPAs and served as past Region Vice President for the Tax Executives Institute.

Free for NSAC Members / $56.00 for Non-Members

Delivery System

  • All programs are delivered using the Zoom platform.
  • Confirmations will include log-in instructions.
  • Participants are able to participate using any device with an Internet connect (if the device does not have speakers, the participant can also dial-in) or they can participate with audio only by dialing in.
  • All registrants will receive a link to the CLN’s recording by email within 48 business hours of event’s conclusion.
  • There will be assistance available to help with technical and connectivity issues up to 10 minutes prior to the start of the presentation.


All registration is done on-line and each guest must provide their name and email address to participate. All NSAC members may register for free. Non-members may register for a nominal fee.

Refund Policy

NSAC will not issue refunds for CLNs. If a registrant is unable to participate in the CLN and provides notification to info@nsacoop.org 48 hours prior to the session, a credit will be provided for a future CLN. Alert the NSAC staff member monitoring the CLN if technical difficulties are encountered and technical support will be provided to eliminate problems with future CLNs.

Additional Information

Live participation is required for CPE credit and polling questions must be answered to document your active participation. All registrants will receive an email following the session with links to the slides and/or handouts, and a link to the CLN recording (unless otherwise stated). If you are unable to participate in the live session, you can still watch the recorded session, but you will not be eligible for CPE credits. Those eligible for credits will receive their certificate by email with 7 business days.

For more information regarding NSAC CLNs or administrative policies such as complaint and refund, contact the NSAC Headquarters, 7946 Clyo Road, Suite A, Centerville, OH 45459, 937-222-6707, or info@nsacoop.org.